The Living Purpose Programme

The complete blueprint for reigniting your sense of purpose. And building a future full of meaning.

Have you lost your sense of purpose?

Do you lack motivation? Have you lost your love of your daily working life? Are you feeling unfulfilled?

We all go through phases of our life when things feel hard. When the daily grind becomes too dull and tedious to bear.

At times like this it’s easy to blame our job or chosen career. We feel constrained and frustrated by the daily tasks we’ve ended up doing so our mind turns towards changing jobs. Shifting careers. Or doing something completely different.

That may be the answer. But there could be another problem. And that problem is in you.

That’s becuase having a strong sense of purpose has two elements. There’s the ‘what you do’ element. And there’s the ability ‘to feel’ element.

Some people can feel fulfilled doing the most mundane of tasks. Others feel bored doing the most inspiring of jobs.

The Living Purpose Programme addresses both sides of the equation. It recognises that the fulfillment we feel from our outer life - our work, our jobs, our daily tasks, and achievements - relies on way we feel about our inner life.

That’s why the main goal of the Living Purpose Programme is to bring our outer life and our inner life into balance.

We help you work on your inner purpose, which is your ability to feel connected to all aspects of life and feel good about yourself no matter what you do. As well as working on your outer purpose, which is identifying the general direction you could take to feel more inspired by your every day activities.

Through six weeks of online learning, group sessions, workbook exercises and daily spiritual practices, you will discover new paths and new sources of meaning. In both your inner and outer worlds.

We want you to find out what you’re here to do, who you’re here to be and what you’re capable of becoming.

A new approach to finding fulfilment

A six week course grounded on 8 years of research and ‘The Habits of Happiness’ principles

The Living Purpose Programme has come from my own journey of finding purpose and meaning. Over the past 8 years I have navigated the journey from being a frustrated and constrained Managing Director of a Brand Agency to free and fulfilled author and online course creator.

It’s not been the easiest of journeys. As a single parent of four children, I fully understand the responsibilities and roles many of us have to play. We simply can’t neglect our daily duties find our purpose as a yoga instructor.

Along the way, I also had to deal with the problem I had with alcohol; the way I used to numb the discomfort I felt of my life situation. The solution to my drink problem also resolved the problem I had with my day job. The work I was doing wasn’t so much the problem, but my inability to connect to it was.

The solution I found was a spiritual solution. It turned my world upside down and gave me a brand new persepctive on life. So much so that it propelled me on a brand new path as an author. The ‘Habits of Happiness’ captures in detail the problems I faced, how I learned to deal with them, and how those lessons helped me forge a pathway to purpose and power.




The Living Purpose Programme

Course Outline

The goal of Living Purpose Programme is to equip you with all the tools you need to reignite your sense of purpose and build a future full of meaning.

The course is guided by the overarching Living Purpose framework, and includes tools and techniques to improve everyday happiness, a methodology to define your purpose and a plan of action to bring it all together.

Six weeks, 6 x video lessons, 6 x group sessions, 1 x workbook, daily practices

What and how you’ll learn

The programme is knowledge based and experiential. That means you’ll learn by reading, listening and writing. But you’ll also learn by practicing. A big part of the Living Purpose Framework is ‘physically doing’ what we’re ‘intellectually learning’.

There are three learning paths;

1) The Living Purpose SkillSet Path - This is all about nurturing your inner purpose. You’ll learn more about yourself, how you relate to the world, how to cultivate inner alignment and how to find joy in everyday existence

2) The Living Purpose NorthStar Path - This is all about discerning your outer purpose. You’ll explore your role in life, what brings you meaning and what direction your life could take if you wanted to sense even greater depths of fulfilment.

3) The Living Purpose PlayBook - This is all about creating fulfilment into the future. You’ll create a plan of action to guide your ongoing journey. This will include a morning routine to support inner purpose development and a series of experiments to start making your outer purpose a reality

What’s covered in the course

  • Nurture Your Inner Purpose

    Aligning our inner world with our outer world starts by understanding our true self; who we are behind the ego, personas, and masks. Once we better understand our true self needs, character traits and talents, we are better able to apply them in service of others. That’s where we find authentic harmony between who we are and what we do. That’s where we find purpose.

    The process of understanding and nurturing our true self comes through the practice of five habits that build our living purpose skillset;

    Surrender - Releasing attachment to work related identities that no longer serve us. Letting go of specific outcomes while maintaining commitment to the journey

    Awareness - Cultivating presence to differentiate desires and behaviours driven by the egoic, false self rather than the intuitive, true self. Recognising purpose cues in everyday experience.

    Discipline - Creating sustainable practices that keep you connected to true self and purpose

    Connection - Recognising purpose as inherently relational and cultivating meaningful connection with self, people, nature, communities and the wider universe.

    Service - Understanding purpose as contribution to something beyond yourself.

  • Discern Your Outer Purpose

    As we journey through the five foundational habit practices, we will be building a picture of what your Living Purpose North Star could be. This is an articulation of your purpose at the highest and broadest level. It is an inspiring vision of what you bring to the world. It is your North Star as it will point you in the right direction if ever you feel lost.

     Your Living Purpose North Star will emerge by considering your true character traits, your natural gifts and your true self purpose statement. All captured based on your emerging awareness but held with the lightest of attachments.

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  • Sustain Your Future Fulfilment

    The sixth week of the course transforms the Living Purpose North Star into something more tangible and actionable. Creating the Living Purpose Playbook consists of the following tasks;

     Mapping Territories - Identifying a handful of real-life scenarios that bring your Living Purpose North Star to life to make it a reality. The territories create a vision of your future in 1 year, 3 year and 5 year time frames.

    Living Purpose Experiments - Once you identify the most attractive territory (desirable and achievable), we then agree the specific set of actions that can be completed in the next 6 months move to move you closer to your chosen territory.

    Core Purpose Elements and Indicators - Non-negotiable aspects that must be present in your work and ways to recognise when you’re on or off your purpose path.

    Supporting Practices - Daily, weekly, and monthly routines that keep you on track; aware of your true self, conscious of false self sabotage and connected to purpose and awe.

    Six-Month Milestones - Specific markers to evaluate at your first recalibration point.

Is this the right course for you?

You’re a good fit for the Living Purpose Programme if;

  • You’re sensing a shift in your life and work ✅

  • You feel like change is on the horizon but you’re not sure in what direction ✅

  • You know you’re not satisfied but are unclear why ✅

  • You’re curious about the way you feel about life as well as what you do for work ✅

  • You’re open-minded enough to explore new ideas ✅

  • You’re honest enough to be truthful with yourself about your behaviours and feelings ✅

  • You’re willing to try new practices even if they’re unfamiliar ✅

  • You’re comfortable talking to other group members about your feelings (absolute confidentiality is a condition) ✅

  • You’re happy to accept an element of uncertainty and mystery to be part of the process ✅

  • You’re open to learning about spirituality even if you’ve not explored it before (this is not religious) ✅

You’re NOT a good fit for the Living Purpose Programme if;

  • You’re happy with the way things are in your life and work ❌

  • You have no appetite to change your inner or outer worlds ❌

  • You know a very clear and fixed idea of why you’re dissatisfied ❌

  • You’re curious about the way you feel about life as well as what you do for work ❌

  • You have fixed views about what will and won’t work for you ❌

  • You’re prone to denial and assuming the problem is always ‘out there’ ❌

  • You’re unwilling to give new practices ago; whether you’ve tried them before or not ❌

  • You’re don’t like participating in group discussions or being vulnerable (even if absolute confidentiality is a condition) ❌

  • You only like working with highly logical and structured processes with known outcomes ❌

  • You’re against any form of spirituality and will not entertain anything that cannot be scientifically proven ❌

What people are saying…

Your most meaningful work awaits you

The Living Purpose Framework is six-week experience to help you navigate your way towards a renewed sense of purpose. And provide you with a clear path to a future full of meaning.

Our revolutionary new approach recognises that the fulfillment we feel from our outer life - our work, our jobs, our daily tasks, and achievements - relies on the harmony we feel in our inner life.

That’s why the main goal of the Living Purpose Programme is to bring our outer life and our inner life into balance.

We help you work on your inner purpose as well as your outer purpose.

Through six weeks of online learning, group sessions, workbook exercises and daily spiritual practices you will discover new paths and new sources of meaning.

The path we guide on will bring deeper understanding, greater clarity and heightened awareness of what you’re here to do, who you’re here to be and what you’re capable of becoming.

The purpose quest and hero’s journey

In classic mythology, the hero’s journey to find purpose starts with an unexpected call to adventure. The quest is accepted but the goal is unclear. The hero moves bravely forward but invariably encounters unexpected challenges, allies, obstacles, and revelations.

Each encounter and experience changes the hero in some way. The path veers from one direction to another. The journey shifts from one gear to the next. And the hero’s understanding of why they’re on that journey evolves from day to day.

We use the quest analogy as part of the Living Purpose process to remind us that purpose is always changing and is never fully achieved. ‘Being’ on the journey is an end in itself because we can only see as far as our current perspective allows.

That’s why the Living Purpose Framework has two parts;

1) A six week course to create your living purpose.

2) A series of (optional) six-month cycles to put your living purpose into practice.

Here’s what the Living Purpose Framework looks like…

The Six Month Cycle



At the conclusion of the 6-week program, armed with your Living Purpose Skillset, North Star and Playbook, we’ll invite you to move into action and start practicing your purpose – one day at a time.

As you sign up to the 6-month commitment cycle, we’ll invite you to;

Commit fully to this direction for 6 months

Act decisively without over-thinking or doubting during this period

Nurture yourself with the five habits skillset for  body, mind and soul

Document your journey through regular reflection and journalling

Join weekly sessions with the purpose community to share experiences

Schedule a formal review at the 6-month mark

Recalibrate your Living Purpose Playbook based on a 6-month review, on what you've learned and how you feel about the journey

Recommit for another 6-month cycle

This rhythm of commitment, action, nurture, reflection, and recalibration creates a sustainable approach to purpose that honours both intention and emergence.



"The purpose of life is not to find yourself. The purpose of life is to create yourself."* — George Bernard Shaw

The program doesn't promise to reveal your fixed, unchanging life purpose in one fell swoop. Instead, it offers a framework to navigate your way forward, from where you are today, with all the confusion and fear you might be feeling, towards a more purposeful future - one step at a time.

We provide;

1. A Framework, Not a Formula: Tools and an emerging set of skills for ongoing purpose discovery rather than a neat purpose statement and one-size-fits-all template.

2. Direction, Not Destination: Clarity about your current situation and your next move along the purpose pathway, with the understanding that this direction will evolve

3. Cycles, Not Straight Lines: A process for regular purpose check-ins and recalibration

4. Integrated, Not Idealistic: Purpose as an integral part of life with all the responsibilities and constraints that we feel. Not an idealised ‘follow your dreams’ mantra.

5. Action, Not Abstraction: Purpose as something you do and live, not merely contemplate, journal or dream about.

Introduce your brand

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point. If you sell something, use this space to describe it in detail and tell us why we should make a purchase. Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.