The Living Purpose Programme

The complete blueprint for reigniting your sense of purpose. And building a future full of meaning.


To celebrate the launch of the ‘Habits of Happiness’ book, I’m excited to offer the Living Purpose Programme at a special rate for anyone who pre-orders the book on Amazon.

Next Course Starts in April

Normal price £795

Discount price £495

Book launch price £195

Have you lost your sense of purpose?

Do you feel there’s something missing in your life? Are you feeling unfulfilled?

We all go through phases of our life when things feel hard. When the daily grind becomes lifeless and tedious.

At times like this it's easy to blame our job or chosen career. We feel constrained and frustrated by the daily tasks we've ended up doing. So our mind quickly turns towards changing jobs. Shifting careers. Or doing something completely different.

Finding purpose and a clear direction transforms our relationship with work. It connects us to something larger than ourselves. It feeds something essential in our human spirit.

This course will help you find that clarity.

But finding purpose isn't always about dramatic change. Sometimes it's about rediscovering meaning in what's already before us.

The most profound shifts often happen not when we change our circumstances, but when we change how we see them. When we rediscover meaning in what's already before us.

Some people can feel fulfilled doing the most mundane of tasks. Others feel bored doing the most inspiring of jobs.

That’s because having a strong sense of purpose has two elements; what you do and how you feel.

The Living Purpose Programme addresses both sides of the equation. It recognises that the fulfillment we feel from our outer life - our work, our jobs, our daily tasks, and achievements - relies on the way we feel about our inner life.

That’s why the main goal of the Living Purpose Programme is to bring our outer life and our inner life into balance.

We help you work on your inner purpose, which is your ability to feel connected to all aspects of life and feel good about yourself no matter what you do. As well as working on your outer purpose, which is identifying the general direction you could take to feel more inspired by your every day activities.

Through six weeks of online learning, group sessions, workbook exercises and daily practices, you’ll discover new paths and new sources of meaning. In both your inner and outer worlds.

The programme will help you find out what you’re here to do, who you’re here to be and what you’re capable of becoming.

A new approach to finding fulfilment

A six week course built on eight years of research

The Living Purpose Programme is based on the research and findings from the book ‘The Habits of Happiness’. A comprehensive review of the struggles many of us face in our current economic culture. And the pathway out of the pain towards a life of purpose and meaning.

The Person Behind The Living Purpose Programme

Hello. I’m Simon Farrell. This Programme has emerged from my own 8 year journey of finding purpose and meaning. A journey that took me from being a frustrated and constrained Managing Director of a Brand Agency, to a free and fulfilled author and online course creator.

It’s not been the easiest of journeys. As a single parent of four children, I fully understand the responsibilities and roles many of us have to play. We simply can’t neglect our daily duties to find our purpose as a yoga instructor.

Along the way, I also had to deal with the problem I had with alcohol. Drinking was the way I used to numb the discomfort I felt because of my life situation. But it eventually led to my addiction. You can hear the full story in this video;

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Course Outline

The goal of the programme is to equip you with all the tools you need to reignite your sense of purpose and build a future full of meaning.

The course is guided by the overarching Living Purpose framework, and includes tools and techniques to improve everyday happiness, a methodology to define your purpose, and a plan of action to bring it all together.

A six week course consisting of 6 x informative video lessons, 6 x interactive group sessions on Zoom, 1 x workbook, and a nurturing daily routine

What’s covered

  • Nurture Your Inner Purpose

    We start by understanding our true self; who we are behind the ego, personas, and masks. Once we better understand our true self needs, character traits and talents, we are better able to apply them in service of others. That’s where we find authentic harmony between who we are and what we do. That’s where we find purpose.

    The process of understanding and nurturing our true self comes through the practice of five habits that build our living purpose skillset;






  • Discern Your Outer Purpose

    As we learn our Living Purpose Skillset, we’ll also explore our role in life, what inspires meaning for us and what direction our lives could take to sense even greater depths of fulfilment.

    We will capture this role for ourselves in our Living Purpose NorthStar. This is an articulation of your purpose at the highest and broadest level.

    It is an inspiring vision of what you bring to the world. It is your North Star as it will point you in the right direction if ever you feel lost. Key elements of your Living;

    Your True Self Values and Character

    Your Unique Skills and Talents

    Who You’re Made to Serve

    Your NorthStar Purpose Statement

  • Sustain Your Future Fulfilment

    In the final week, you’ll create a plan of action to guide your ongoing journey. The Living Purpose Playbook ensures that the work continues once the course has finished.

    The Playbook will include a morning routine to support inner purpose development and a series of experiments to start making your outer purpose a reality.

    Creating the Living Purpose Playbook consists of the following tasks;

    Mapping Territories

    Living Purpose Experiments

    Core Purpose Elements Indicators

    Supporting Practices

    Six-Month Milestones

Is this the right course for you?

You’re a good fit for the Programme if;

✅ You’re sensing a shift in your life and work

✅ You feel like change is on the horizon but you’re not sure in what direction

✅ You know you’re not satisfied but are unclear why

✅ You’re curious about the way you feel about life as well as what you do for work

✅ You’re open-minded enough to explore new ideas

✅ You’re honest enough to be truthful with yourself about your behaviours and feelings

✅ You’re willing to try new practices even if they’re unfamiliar

✅ You’re comfortable talking to other group members about your feelings (absolute confidentiality is a condition)

✅ You’re happy to accept an element of uncertainty and mystery to be part of the process

✅ You’re open to learning about spirituality even if you’ve not explored it before (this is not religious)

What people are saying…

Ready to join?

The Living Purpose Programme

£795 £495

Book Launch discount £195

Six weeks of supported learning

Six video lessons (20 mins each)

Six Zoom group sessions (1hr each)

Living Purpose workbook

Customised daily routine

Diary & jounral provided

Daily motivational quotes

Personal support via WhatsApp

We are trialling a new format for small groups of 6 or less. This makes each of the group sessions much more interactive and personalised.



  • The Living Purpose Programme is a six week, cohort based programme. You will be joined by 4 - 6 other people going through the same process at the same time. This group approach helps foster shared understanding as all participants benefit from the learning experiences of each other.

    During the 6 weeks, you’ll have 6 × 20minute videos to watch. These are essentially knowledge- based lessons where you’ll be taking in new information.

    These will be supported by 6 × 1 hour interactive group sessions delivered over Zoom. This is where the 4 - 6 group members come together to discuss the topic under discussion that week, share the findings from their workbook exercises and talk about the nurturing daily routines. These group sessions will happen on a fixed time slot (probably in the early evening or late afternoon) on a fixed day of the week. We will be asking participants about their preferred time slots for these sessions in the registration process. Our goal will be to find a time that suits all participants but flexibility is appreciated. These sessions will be recored and shared for anyone who can’t make it.

    There is also a workbook and a series of weekly exercises to undertake as we go through the six weeks. You can expect to spend an hour a week on these exercises.

    Finally, there are daily practices to take part in. These consist of keeping a diary, morning meditation, listening to inspiring audiobooks and journalling. It is recommended that you devote at least 30 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening to these practices. Whilst that may seem like a lot of work, my experience is that these are the practices that make all the difference in establishing your inner purpose. The idea is that these practices become part of your morning and evening routine well into the future. My role during the six week course is to support you in building these practices into a soul nurturing habit.

  • The Living Purpose Programme is for anyone who is feeling lost in the world (which is almost all of us at some point.) I’m going to walk you through how to turn your confusion into a highly tuned sense of purpose.

    You’re going to learn purpose, what it is, what it isn’t, how to find it and how to keep it.

    Whether you’re a senior executive at a large business or a part-time worker and parent, what I teach is relevant to all.

  • This course differs in three important ways.

    Firstly this is very personalised and interactive. There are lessons that are delivered online but the key learnings come in the group sessions and daily practices.

    Secondly, most purpose course focuses solely on the outer purpose; the ‘what should I do to find purpose. I bring this outer purpose dimension and integrate with the all important inner purpose dimension; how to I feel about purpose in my life.

    Thirdly, this courses doesn’t finish with the last lesson. The Living Purpose Playbook ensures that the learnings you take from the course are put into action to create lasting fulfilment into the future.

  • I’m Simon Farrell. I’ve spent the last 8 years navigating my way from being a frustrated and constrained Managing Director of a Brand Agency to becoming a fulfilled and free author and course creator. I’ve taken all my learnings and published the book ‘The Habits of Happiness’ and am now converting it into this six week course.

    I won’t have all the answers to your purpose dilemmas. But I do have vast experience in what it takes to find freedom and fulfilment.

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