Spiritual Happiness Defined
There’s a type of happiness that not many people know about. It’s the type of happiness that makes you feel good about yourself and good about life. So good that you know the idea of stimulating the senses in some way, wouldn’t make you feel any better. This type of happiness makes you feel you have enough, and you are enough.
It’s a happiness that wells up from the inside. A happiness that isn’t as thrilling as being excited or as luxurious as being indulgent. It’s more gentle than that. This happiness is enduring and deep. It’s contentment. It’s joyfulness. It’s freedom. It’s fulfilment.
It takes time to cultivate this happiness. It requires effort and patience for it to arise. The high doesn’t kick in as quickly as a shot of tequila or a line of cocaine. But when it does, you’ll never forget it. It stays with you. You’ll never want another kind of high again. You’ll become a seeker and hooked on the path to deeper and more profound experiences.
This is the sort of happiness that many people yearn for but seek out in all the wrong places. The sort of happiness they know they lack but can’t name. There are lots of people who feel this lack. It’s an emptiness that doesn’t get filled with money or possessions or status or achievement or consumption. But the happiness I’m talking about, the happiness I found from a desperate place of unhappiness, does fill that emptiness. It fills the void we feel inside.
This type of happiness is available to anyone open-minded and willing enough to work for it. This is the natural happiness that comes with being alive. I call it spiritual happiness. And this happiness can be yours.
Welcome to the habits of happiness.