The habits of today are the foundations of your future!

The Habits of Spiritual Happiness

Spiritual happiness arises from within us, irrespective of what’s happening around us. In wells up in the present moment in the form of joy and peace, freedom and fulfilment.

The problem is that most people don’t know how to find this sort of happiness. It’s an elusive state of being that takes time and effort to learn and nurture.

But there’s a way to learn and nurture that makes the time and effort more manageable and more enjoyable. That way is a structured way that comes in the form of five pillars of habits.

Understanding, practicing and embedding these habits will help you cope with life’s ups and downs, improve your experience of life, give you a clearer idea of your purpose, and allow happiness to naturally arise from within.


  • The Habit of Surrender

    Surrendering is the practice of letting go. It requires us to acknowledge our pain, accept what is, and release the illusion of control and the attachments we hold. Paradoxically, the more we surrender to life, the more we feel the full rapture of it. The habit of surrender leads to a sense of freedom.

  • The Habit of Awareness

    Improving our awareness allows us to awaken to what is real and authentic; in and around us. It helps us understand the story of the split self, the ego versus the soul, the true self versus the false self. As we learn about our true nature we heal from within. The habit of awareness leads to a sense of wholeness.

  • The Habit of Discipline

    Discipline helps us embed spiritual practices into our daily lives. The process of quietening the mind and tapping into the energy of life is a relatively simple one. But it requires perseverance to bring about the life-changing benefits it offers. The habit of discipline leads to a sense of peace.

  • The Habit of Connection

    This habit allows us to feel fully connected to life. By appreciating and being grateful for the beauty and benefits of unconditional love we experience the flow of life as a positive thing despite, and indeed because of, its natural cycles of ups and downs. The habit of connection leads to a sense of joy.

  • The Habit of Service

    Service is how we bring spiritual happiness into the world by helping others. In doing so, we find deeper levels of meaning and strengthen relationships. It’s the blueprint for a much more enjoyable and sustainable way of living. The habit of service leads to a sense of fulfilment.

Let your journey begin.


Everyone’s journey is different. But it’s always good to know you’re setting off in the right direction.

I don’t believe there is a one-size fits-all solution to finding spiritual happiness. Everyone has their own challenges to face, their own demons to battle and their own path to follow. So I’m keen not to present anything that claims to be ‘the’ answer or ‘the one and only solution’. I found an approach to life that worked for me. It’s an approach that I’ve seen work for countless others. And so it’s an approach I want to share.

I want to share the ideas I’ve learned and applied to my life as I’m sure there are lots of people who will find it interesting and helpful. But mostly I want to share them because, for some people, this new approach to life will be transformational.

I hope you’re one of those people who can find the transformation you’ve been looking for.

I’ve captured all these ideas in a book that is due to be published in the spring of 2025. The book tells the full story of how and why the habits of spiritual happiness came about. And how and why this process works.

Dig deeper into finding spiritual happiness.


Starting the journey is good. But staying on the journey is where the magic happens.

Buying the book is a great place to start. Reading it thoroughly is even better!! But it’s only by putting the recommended habits into practice, and doing so over a sustained period of time, that you will be able reap the benefits.

Some people will be able to adopt the habits all by themselves. But other people (people like me) need support, accountability and personalised direction. That’s why I’ve translated the book into a 16-week programme. Delivered in two ways;

* Weekly / 1.5 hrs / 16 x one-to-one sessions / in-person or online

* Weekly / 1.5 hrs / 16 x group sessions / online

A programme that takes 16 weeks might sound like an excessive amount of time. But for most people it’s absolutely necessary. The purpose of the course is to provide people with the foundations that will lead to a spiritual awakening. It’s designed to be transformational. And that doesn’t happen overnight.

Ready to kickstart your spiritual adventure?

I’m fully aware that embarking on a 16-week programme is a big commitment. It requires time, effort and concentration to get the most out of it.

So if you’re in any doubt, I urge you to read the book first. That will give you a really good feel for what the programme is all about.

But if you’re sure that a personalised, one-to-one programme or series of group sessions is the way you want to find your path to spiritual happiness, the next step is to book a consultation. Once we’ve set a date you’ll receive the Spiritual Happiness Survey which you’ll complete and return to me. We can then chat more about your life, your challenges, your aspirations of bringing spiritual happiness into your life, and any concerns you have about the spiritual path.

I look forward to joining you on your spiritual adventure.

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