If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, maybe you could try looking at the problem from a different angle.
Welcome to Another Way. This is the place you can learn about true, natural happiness and how to bring purpose, freedom and joy into your life.
Life doesn’t have to feel as hard as it sometimes does.
It’s good to know there is Another Way.
“On paper everything looks GREAT; decent job, nice house, plenty of comforts. I feel guilty for even mentioning it. But I can't shake the sense that something’s missing. Why do I feel so miserable?”
Have you reached a point in life where everything feels so much harder and much less enjoyable than it used to? And, if we’re being frank, makes you think ‘is this all life has to offer?’
It happens a lot more than you think. We’re not very good at admitting it because it feels like we’ve failed in some way. It happened to me. And I didn’t talk about it to anyone precisely because I felt such a failure.
I struggled for years, thinking I had everything but feeling nothing, and trying to earn and drink my way to happiness. It didn’t work. I ended up more miserable than ever.
The truth is, as a nation, we seem to have lost the art of being naturally happy. We live in a culture that tells us that joy lies in earning more money, owning more possessions, and indulging in nice food, fine wine and luxury holidays. These are celebrated and promoted as the solutions to all our happiness problems.
We lap this up when we’re younger. We throw ourselves into the pursuit of happiness by throwing ourselves in to the pursuit of ‘more’. More money, more status, more ambition, more indulgences. But as we get older, a shift occurs. Dissatisfaction and disillusionment take root, and we begin to question the wisdom of ‘more.’
Gradually, work, money, achievement, alcohol, drugs, food, and even life itself, lose their lustre. The very things we relied upon for happiness don’t work anymore. The harder we try, the unhappier we become. And all of a sudden we start feeling lost, confused, anxious, trapped, unfulfilled, and disconnected.
And then it dawns on us: we have no idea where to find true happiness.
Modern culture tells us that happiness comes from external sources. This form of happiness is conditional happiness. It is fleeting. It doesn’t satisfy our internal yearning. And it’s addictive.
Authentic, lasting happiness arises from within, independent of outer circumstances. This is natural happiness. This is spiritual happiness; a nurturing and enduring happiness filled with freedom, contentment, joy and fulfilment.
There’s a type of happiness that not many people know about but I’m beginning to understand. It’s the type of happiness that makes you feel good about yourself and good about life. So good that you know the idea of drinking alcohol or taking drugs or indulging the senses in some way, wouldn’t make you feel any better. This type of happiness makes you feel you have enough and you are enough.
It’s a happiness that wells up from the inside. A happiness that isn’t as thrilling as being excited or as luxurious as being indulgent. It’s more gentle than that. This happiness is enduring and deep. It’s contentment. It’s joyfulness. It’s freedom. It’s fulfilment.
It’s the sort of happiness you feel when you come back home; completely and unconditionally loved and cared for. The sort of happiness when you feel whole, at one, aligned, in sync, at peace with the world and everyone in it.
It takes time to cultivate this happiness. It requires effort and patience for it to arise. The high doesn’t kick in as quickly as a shot of tequila or a line of cocaine. But when it does you’ll never forget it. It stays with you. You’ll never want another kind of high again. You’ll become a seeker and hooked on the path to deeper and more profound experiences.
This is the sort of happiness that many people yearn for but seek out in all the wrong places. The sort of happiness they know they lack but can’t name. I suspect there are lots of people who feel this lack. It’s an emptiness that doesn’t get filled with money or possessions or status or achievement or consumption. But this happiness, the happiness that I found from a desperate place of unhappiness, does fill that emptiness. It fills the void we feel inside.
This type of happiness is available to anyone open-minded and willing enough to work for it. This is the natural happiness that comes with being alive. And this happiness can be yours.
This type of happiness is spiritual happiness.
A solution to help deal with the problems of life. A way to find natural happiness. And yes - it’s spiritual !
If you are struggling, like I was, with the challenges that mid-life has to offer and feel stuck, overwhelmed, lost, anxious, or confused, you’ll know just how dis-orientating this period of life can be.
It’s all too easy to fall into bad habits, as I did, to help you cope and struggle through. But there is another way. Another way to deal with your challenges and think about your life and what you want from it. That other way is a spiritual way.
I was presented with this other, spiritual way as a solution to my drinking and happiness problem. I rejected it to start with precisely becuase it was a spiritual solution and I didn’t see myself as a spiritual person. But I couldn’t come up with a better alternative. So thankfully I was shown a way through my pre-conceived ideas and spirituality gave me my life and happiness back.
Spirituality isn’t talked about much. Not in the places I tended to hang out. Or with the people I tended to talk to. Maybe because it’s too closely associated with religion. Maybe because it’s seen as too woo woo and mystical. Especially in the business circles I used to associate with.
But the type of spirituality I’m talking about here is not linked to any religion at all. It’s linked to purpose, growth, integrity and awareness. Qualities that help people make good decisions. Qualities that help people succeed in life as well as business. Qualities that lead to freedom, peace, joy and fulfilment.
So if you are strugging, as I was struggling, and looking for happiness in all the wrong places, I urge you to re-consider your views about spirituality. Or at least put them on hold for a while. This other spiritual way could just be the happiness solution you’ve been looking for all these years.
Here to support your journey
Over the past five years, I've journeyed from the depths of despair to find a type of happiness I call spiritual happiness. Along the way, I've come to understand the importance of the inner spiritual journey and the profound impact it can have on our overall well-being.
I've experimented with lots of different spiritual practices. I’ve also read hundreds of books. And I've distilled these learnings into a structured framework based on what I believe are the core habits of spiritual happiness.
I’ve written a book called The Habits of Happiness that documents all this learning. It is due to be published in the spring of 2025. I’m also developing a number of ways that I can bring ‘the habits’ to life through learning opportunities.
I'm not a doctor, therapist, spiritual guru, or counsellor. I’m more of a coach, mentor and trainer for your mind, body and soul. My goal is to help people out of the current pain they feel and guide them towards spiritual happiness and purpose. I hope I can help guide you there.
A short video to tell you about me, my story and how I found a path to spiritual happiness
Articles and thought pieces exploring different aspects of the spiritual solution in today’s modern society.
Spiritual Happiness Defined
My Journey to Spiritual Happiness